Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand"

Contrary to popular belief, Christianity is NOT dying. There are new members every week coming into my Parish looking for Christ and the right way to live. My Parish also has a society that helps the poor pay their rent and gives them food and they are not required to accept Christ first either.

Christ never forced his teachings upon anyone. He simply taught them the truth and the right way to live, and the ONLY way to live in order to reach Heaven and then left it up to them to either believe and follow him or turn their backs.

Personally, I said personally, and I am sure there will be some that will disagree with me, but you have a right to your opinion and so do I. That said, personally, I believe Christ had a reason for creating his Church, ("You are Peter and upon this rock you shall build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."), and that is so His people would have a place to come learn about Him and worship Him.

You can read the Bible all day every day, but there are some parts of it that are hard to understand and it takes going to Church to be able to fully comprehend the right meaning of the scriptures. Then there is the sacrament of communion and the partaking of Jesus body and blood, I do not know about anyone else, but that gives me strength! That and singing praises to my Lord to the top of my lungs makes me want to run to the top of the highest mountain and sing and shout praises to the Lord and be joyous that he loves me still and loved me enough to be tortured, beaten, spit upon and finally crucified to save me and the world from sin.

Praise God He rose from the dead and Praise Him again that He will come again in Glory to judge the living and the dead, and that His kingdom will have no end!!!

I used to be the same way as some people who have posted and, I would say 'Oh I do not need to go to Church, I am in Church every day when I go outside and become one with nature.' That is just a bunch of bull, I was in denial and allowing satan to rule my life, but since a few years ago when I decided that I had had enough, I started back to Church and have been happier than I can ever remember.

Oh I still go outside and walk in the woods, pray, talk to the trees and animals, but that is not all there is to it. The people who think that their Church is the woods reminds me of Sunday morning Christians who get their fill of God on Sunday and the rest of the week they do as they wish without a thought of God or how they might help their fellow human.

I love my Lord Jesus Christ with my whole heart and soul; more than anything in the world and I know that will never change. The last few years has been the first time in my life when I can honestly say that I know where I will be going when I die. I will be going to be with my Father in Heaven!

This world is in serious trouble! People really need to realize that God is the only way! Repent of your sins, be baptized and follow the teachings of Christ before it is too late. Love, really Love everyone no matter who they are, what they are or how good or bad they are. Forgive those who have done bad to you or have hurt you. There is freedom in forgiveness, freedom like you never thought possible. Forgiveness is essential because if you cannot forgive those who have done wrong to you or those you love, do not expect God to forgive you of your sins because He will not.

Let me put it this way.

2000 years ago when Jesus walked this Earth he preached, "repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand." That was said 2000 years ago. "At hand" sounds pretty close to me so, today, how much closer do you think "at hand" is? If Jesus came back tonight, tomorrow, next week or even next month, would you be ready?

People can say they believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all day long. They can even say they love Him, but action speak louder than words and unless we take those 10 commandments to heart and start walking our talk, there is going to be a LOT of people in hell.

This is not politics, you cannot ride the fence, you are either totally with God or you are with satan. Christ does not want just part of your heart, or all but a tiny corner of your heart, He wants the whole thing, if you are not with Him, you are against Him.

You want to see God when you die? The only way to do that is through Jesus and the only way to get close to Jesus is to live your life just the way He wants you to, without exception and no matter what.

God is weeping, He is weeping for all his many children who He will have to cast into the fires of hell. Now, let the ranting begin, I can take it I have my Lord on my side.
God Bless you all!

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